Engagement Session

Olympic Village Engagement Photos

Meet Jessica and Nate – a love story that spanned continents! Although Nate is originally from Singapore, he was working in Hong Kong, where he connected with Jessica on a dating app in 2018. When the pair first matched, they talked a bit online while Nate was traveling, and when he returned to Hong Kong they were quick to meet up for a coffee!

In Nate’s words, “What was supposed to be a 1 hour coffee session was extended to the whole afternoon. Then, I knew Jessica was special, and I wanted to get to know her more.”

The following year, Nate’s job took him to Tokyo, making their love a long-distance one. COVID-19 kept them even farther apart, with Jessica in Vancouver and Nate in Singapore. But in 2022, as travel resumed, Nate “immediately” flew to Vancouver and proposed. It’s been a long journey to get here, but I’m so excited to be photographing their wedding this Fall in Vancouver! Enjoy their engagement photos!

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I’m Jamie! I capture joyful wedding and portrait photos that feel like you—through easy, natural posing. Since 2008,  I've photographed over 270 weddings and nearly 300 family sessions and it’s a joy to spend my career capturing natural, joyful images!

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