I received an email from Jamie a year ago, sharing that he was engaged to his girlfriend Sophia… and mentioned that Sophia and I had met before. And yes, turns out we had! It was the spring. I was reading in Prado Cafe with an americano when a girl turned around and asked if I was Jamie Delaine. Yep, that’s me! She introduced herself as Sophia and we spent 10 minutes chatting about life, school, church and Jesus before we went back to our individual books. I was pumped to discover Sophia was a soon-to-be bride and they wanted me to be their photographer. [see their engagement images at Prado Cafe: here!]
Every so often, I have the privilege of working with couples that inspire me: Sophia and Jamie are this kind of a couple. Their vision for their day was all “about sharing in the community of God’s people, and praising God in His amazing work in and through us.” Sophia, her older brother Adrian and her parents, Wanda and Owen, were changed 15 years ago when their younger sister Alynne was born with special needs. The unique challenges they have faced together as a family have created a bond unlike anything I have seen. All I could do was praise God for their shining example of Christ’s love. The selfless love they have encouraged me.
The day oozed love and community. [Oozed is a fun word.] Sophia’s home was full of people in every room — laughing, sharing, eating, celebrating — from the very first moments of the day. After the bridesmaids had their hair/makeup done by friends, they helped Sophia into her beautiful Jason Matlo gown. I loved how Sophia accessorized her look with Repetto ballet flats, pearl earrings from her mother Wanda and a necklace from her mother-in-law. Sophia swapped her ballet flats for green rubber boots to walk to the ceremony at Grandview Calvary Baptist Church in the rain [oh-so-very Vancouver!] with her bridesmaids and family. So cute. Jamie smiled with irrepressible joy as Sophia walked down the aisle. Vows and weddings rings were exchanged, the register was signed and these two were official! After mingling with guests outside the church, a “wedding day surprise” pulled up. As a gift, Sophia’s mom had hired, “in true east vancouver style,” a bicycle taxi cab. The newlyweds were able to spend 10 minutes alone cruising the streets before Queen Elizabeth Park for portraits.
This bridal party had sweet style. The girls were dressed in floral frocks purchased from Exposure matched with white cardigans. And the guys were dressed in “various suits found in closets, second hand stores and online.” [hah!] The bow ties were ordered from Etsy and arrived just in time, a couple days before the wedding. Sweet style aside, the four bridesmaids/groomsmen were FUN. It was pouring at some points and there was zero complaints about it being wet, cold or uncomfortable. This is rare. It was appreciated. And we had fun.
Sophia and Jamie’s D-I-T reception [get it? do it together! not do it yourself. community! that phrase is copyright Sophia. I am just blogging it] was held at the False Creek Community Centre. The catering was provided by Bouzyos Greek Taverna restaurant on Commercial Drive. Sophia and Jamie are once a week visitors to the joint and when they asked the owners to consider catering, the answer was, “For you two, sure!” Dinner was served family-style, with big portions brought out for each individual table. It was amazing. Greek food is the best food. After the meal, Sophia and Jamie bypassed a traditional wedding cake in favour of homemade desserts by family and friends and spent the rest of the evening mingling table to table.
Blessed by you guys.
Have a fantastic honeymoon!
ps. It took me ages to write this post. And I need to publish it now, but there is much that I couldn’t find the words to write. That frustrates me. But I’m sure Sophia and Jamie would appreciate seeing their images now… rather than me slaving over the right words for the next month. I thought I’d include a few more tidbits about their relationship below, from their emails, so you can get to know them a little more.
from Sophia… The most important thing about our wedding day is that “Jesus shines though. That we’re not freaking out about details, but rather thanking God for his plan in our lives, for bringing us together, and giving us an amazing community to support us. And I really want to show my family and friends who don’t know Jesus, how serving one another and committing ourselves in marriage to one another is done out of love for Christ and through his strength. Jamie has a passion for the LORD that is so inspiring to see. He encourages me in my faith through what he says to me, as well as simply the way that he lives. Jamie is so patient and gentle with me that I see Christ reaching out to me through Jamie, which is absolutely amazing. Jamie loves my family. My family has always been one of the most important parts of my life and I have always been much more involved with my family than often my friends are. This has a lot to do with my sister, who has special needs, and is a bundle of joy and a handful all at the same time. I can imaging this being daunting to someone who is stepping into my life, but Jamie dove in wholeheartedly. Jamie is so comfortable and loving with my sister, and she loves and recognizes him too, which says a lot. I’ve always spent a lot of time at home because of her, and Jamie has always been supporting and loving about that. Jamie is a visionary. Jamie has big visions for his life and for ours together. He wants to inspire people (specifically kids) and give all that he has to serve God’s kingdom. Jamie travelled to India while I was away in Uganda during the spring of 2010, and since coming back he has started a Canadian branch of the charity that he was working with in India. Its so amazing! I love how he dreams big for God.”
from Jamie… The most important thing about our wedding day is that, “Jesus is central to the day. We want Jesus to shine in each of us and through the activities of the day. We want to try as much as possible to allow others to feel included and supportive of us on our special day while remaining relaxed and calm ourselves. Our love for each other is out of love and reverence for what Christ has done, and continues to do in our loves. We want this message to be shown to all our friends and family members who are not Christian. Sophia’s faith has been what has brought me to the lord personally. Sophia lives for Jesus! Sophia encourages me in my faith daily though her speech and actions as she seeks to serve Christ. I love the relationship Sophia has with her family. It is unlike any family relationship I have ever experienced or seen. This bond has mostly been created due to Sophia’s Sister, who is special needs, and requires continual care and love each and every day. It has been my pleasure to be accepted wholeheartedly into her family and I look forward to spending my life with them.”
& i’m out! enjoy. ;)
Hi Jamie,
I’ve been following your blog for a while now and your photos never cease to amaze me. I needed to comment on these ones because they are some of the most beautiful wedding photos I have ever seem. You are extremely talented!
These are probably my favourites. Such emotion in the photos! Great job.
Yeah yeah yeah!! You captured the moments of our day so beautifully.
Absolutely gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing your images and your love for Christ.
You captured the happiness, the simplicity, and the sense of family and community that were so much a part of Sophia and Jamie’s wedding day. Just lovely!
wow! maybe this is an all time fav. amazing, jamie!
Thank you for this post! I am in the middle of planning my wedding and it’s very stressful. This post reminds me that Jesus should be the center of it all. Thank you again!