I really, really enjoy photographing the first few moments of a couple getting engaged. There’s nothing like it—and very similar to how I feel on a wedding day, it’s an honour to be included in such an important time. I’ve had the joy of photographing a handful of proposals (including my brother’s proposal!) and I never tire of them. A couple weeks ago, I walked into the Festival of Lights at Van Dusen Gardens, ready to wait on the cold night. I was prepared with gloves, headband and my down jacket. I staked out my post, surveyed the land and being thirty minutes early, decided to go for a little walk.
Walk complete, pictures of the scenery successfully captured, it was time to anticipate the “moment.” I texted a friend while I waited and said, “I’m NERVOUS! I’m not even the one proposing and I’m NERVOUS! Proposals are a big deal.” Just then, I got a text from JP, saying he and Sophie were entering the park. I watched from around the tree until they came into sight, casually strolling through the beautiful colours until JP reached the chosen spot. He pulled Sophie aside, and with a bright smiling face, said a few words to his girlfriend before getting down on one knee and hearing that beautiful word, “Yes!” In a few seconds, JP and Sophie crossed over the threshold from boyfriend-girlfriend to fiancé-fiancé.
When JP motioned, I walked over and met Sophie for the first time! I think she was definitely in shock but all smiles. Although Van Dusen Gardens were crowded like crazy we made our way around the park and found a few great spots to photograph their newly engaged happiness. JP and Sophie, this was a magical evening! I was honoured to capture your first memories as “soon to be husband and wife.” Happy wedding planning!
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