Monday morning, I drove down to a spot I love. The beach. The beach in the winter is so beautiful: there’s only a handful of people around, the air is crisp, even the beach smell is different in the winter compared to the summer. I walked into one of the local coffeeshops to meet up with Chantal and Dave. It was at that exact coffeeshop that this couple’s paths first crossed.
It was a Sunday afternoon and Chantal was drinking coffee and reading the paper. In walks Dave. Chantal was the only other person in the coffeeshop, and Dave, being new to the area, saw this beautiful woman and asked to sit down beside her. And Chantal said yes, of course! And they talked. In Chantal’s words, “For hours!” — she even got a parking ticket because her meter had long since expired. I love stories like theirs: a random meeting, in a small little coffeeshop, a conversation that lasted hours as they went from strangers to acquaintances to friends to more.
Their wedding is going to be wonderful and I’m so excited about it! Partly because Dave+Chantal both go to the same church as me. Also, I’ve known Chantal’s soon-to-be sister-in-law’s family for years so it’ll be one big party with lots of recognizable faces. Thanks for trusting me and stepping in front of my camera you two.
Spring is SO GREAT. I was in love with these yellow buds.
I absolutely love shooting on the White Rock Beach pier. So pretty, in any season!
We found this great VW Bus… just sitting near the beach. I love the colour.
These next two are some of my favourite of Chantal. So beautiful! Chantal’s fabulous make-up was done by Kristy of Kristy Lee Makeup. Kristy never fails! ;)

Great work Jamie! Their story is SO sweet :)
And just an FYI, those yellow buds? Forsythea! One of my fave spring arrivals. I can’t believe you’ve got them blooming already. They don’t show up here until at least mid-April!
These pictures are wonderful yet again!
I love the pier one and the last one :)
Jamie, you’ve done such a fantastic job!!! You made us look fantastic lol! The one of Shera is hilarious…you captured her perfectly! We look forward to our wedding (and photos!) can’t wait! See you Sunday!!! :)
Girl these are gorgeous! Can’t wait to see you again at wppi! Eddie is going with me so you’ll get to meet him! :)
I agree with Gail, I’m jealous things are blooming by you already – I am still buried under many feet of snow:( Love this session though! The last one is my favorite:)
How precious is that story?! Precious people, precious images.
cool work! big fan of white rock… any
shots of the rock in the set?… love the pier ones!!
So adorable, Jamie! Love this cute cute couple’s session! :) xx
Aww! They are so adorable. She resembles Shania Twain! Beautiful couple!!!
Loove these <3 <3
Spring is coming! Their story is adorable as are their pictures!
These are all so great!
The last one is my fav :)
I love the yellow buds and the VW and the cute dog and this adorable couple and the photography. :)
Lovely session!! I love the beach in winter too!!
what an attractive couple! :)