
richmond wedding: helen+keith

helen and keith are effortless together. when certain points of the wedding timeline were running a few minutes behind, they were still all smiles. no stress, no worry, both her and him completely happy to be finally marrying their best friend. that’s how it should be. this cute couple went to high school together, first meeting in a grade nine computer class. it wasn’t until two years later that their friendship became closer and a whole lot deeper than their previous “hello’s” in the hallway.

helen & keith created a super unique ceremony program [helen is a graphic designer and wedding photographer herself! hence the rad typography throughout the day] and on it included “her story” & “his story.” helen wrote in her section that: we had an uncanny amount of things in common, from our interest in technology and gadgets, to what movies we enjoyed, to even how we served in similar church roles. we found ourselves always on the same train of thought and even finished each other’s sentences. i knew i had a special bond in keith, but did not realize just yet what was in store for us.

several months passed, and on the morning of september 1, 2004, keith & i confirmed what God had been reaffirming in our hearts. we were committed to one another but would wait for a time as God continued to mold us individually. today, almost seven years later, i am marrying my best friend!! our commitment, respect and love for one another has grown stronger as God has shaped us to be the other’s helpmate. we look forward to the unfolding story He has written for us as we commit our lives & our family to Jesus Christ.


keith began “his story” with such a great testimony. ahh it gives me shivers! i am so very blessed by God. i don’t now how else to preface what i am about to write but to give glory to God. God has done a lot to change and mold me to who i have become. in order to meet helen, the helen who will become my wife today, i had to meet Jesus first and learn from Christ what the definition of love means. we met in high school, and to be honest, i hardly noticed her. the keith at that time wasn’t the keith that God meant for her to meet just yet… [a few years passed and] we continued to be close friends growing closer to Christ. as we grew closer to Christ separately, we grew closer to each other naturally. we pray that our lives can continue to be a testament to the glory and goodness of God, who pours out abundant grace upon His people.


WORD. how good is that?! i think you see through those few paragraphs the humble, committed, waiting hearts of helen & keith. their loyalty, passion, love for the people around them and their complete surrender to God in everything they do. and they have been blessed because of it. what a beautiful thing. enjoy their wedding day through these images because i certainly enjoyed being there.

ps. keith tweeted throughout their wedding day and @replied me a thank-you the next day. ;)

to see more images from helen & keith’s wedding day you’re gonna have to CLICK HERE. :)

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  1. Awesome story, beautiful images. Inspiring as always Jamie:)

  2. Sarah Penner says:

    oh wow, how did they do those letters?!

    I love the circles along the walls, that’s just plain cool how they transformed the church!

  3. Kelly Green says:

    What a beautiful wedding so wonderfully captured! I love the colours in the bouquet, the purple shoes, the balloons…everything!

  4. Charla says:

    oh my goodness,
    LOVE the tennis shoes picture.

    she has to be one of the most darling brides i’ve ever seen.

    amazing photos!!!

  5. Sharon says:

    Jamie :)

    Thanks again for your awesome work on helen & keith’s wedding. They were sooooo looking forward to this beginning and you’ve captured it so memorably for them (and us)!

    May God’s light & goodness always shine through what you do.

  6. Jack says:

    I love how the bride is just grinning from ear to ear in every shot! She looks SO happy. Gorgeous images Jamie!

  7. Naomi says:

    Love it, Jamie! She is a gorgeous bride and they look so happy! I love their testimony too :) The happiest of futures to them together!

  8. I love the color palate and the light! beautiful :)

  9. Wow, what wonderful pictures! They’re story is so beautiful and such a testament to the power and grace of God. Reminds me of the book title “When God Writes Your Love Story”. And what a precious story God wrote for Helen and Keith. The pictures look fantabulous! Love the wedding colors.

  10. Amy says:

    Wow – they have awesome decor! Their names and the date on the wall is stellar! that would be soo cool above their bed afterwards.

    Love the ring shot on the high heel of the shoe! Well done!

  11. iris says:

    thank you SO MUCH jamie :) it was such a wonderful day – and u’ve captured their love for God and for each other so vividly in your blog :)

  12. s h e r r y says:

    Such awesome photos! I love the fun little details! :)

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I’m Jamie! I capture joyful wedding and portrait photos that feel like you—through easy, natural posing. Since 2008,  I've photographed over 290 weddings and 300 family sessions and it’s a joy to spend my career capturing natural, joyful images!

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